Monday, May 4, 2009

Breastfeeding Made Simple Book Review

Breastfeeding Made Simple Book Review

Breastfeeding Made Simple - Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC and Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PH.D., IBCLC hit the bookstores in 2005. I have to admit that when I first read the title, I was initially turned off.

As a Lactation Consultant, I frequently hear mothers complain that there seem to be so many rules with breastfeeding and they felt that since it was such a natural thing to do, that there would be little, if any rules. Having rules also meant that there was the potential to either succeed or fail at this "breastfeeding thing." The last thing I wanted to do was to begin telling mothers that there are seven laws to breastfeeding, whether they be "natural" or not!

Surely there has been a time when you have pre-judged a book, not only by its cover, but by the title. This was one of those times and I am very happy to say that I could not have been more off track. Breastfeeding Made Simple So, how did I come to read this book if I was so turned off to the title? Well, only one person ( besides my mother) can make me do something I don't really want to do. That person - My boss!

As a newly hired faculty member of Aviva Institute, Breastfeeding Made Simple was a requirement for the Certified Breastfeeding Educator course I would be teaching. I also have this silly need to have my students think I am just a tad smarter than they are, so reading this book became a necessity.

I am the type of reader who skims the Chapter titles before actually reading the book. Now, at this point, I was still not quite sure about the need to learn about the laws of breastfeeding. However, I was quickly drawn to read further when I saw what the laws were being touted as. Are you ready for this: ( my comments in red)

Law 1. Babies are hardwired to breastfeed. YES, exactly - babies were born to breastfeed!

Law 2. Mother's body is baby's natural habitat. YES exactly - babies need to be close to mom.

Law 3. Better Feel and Flow happen in the comfort zone. YES exactly - comfortable feedings.

Law 4. More breastfeeding at first means more milk later. YES exactly - my mantra to moms.

Law 5. Every Breastfeeding couple has its own rhythm. YES exactly - no carbon copies here.

Law 6. More Milk out equals more milk made. YES exactly - the perfect system

Law 7. Children Wean Naturally. YES exactly - in their own due time if left on their own.

I am so excited to write more about Breastfeeding Simple. I hope I have interested you enough to make the time to check out the next blog entry. I will give more detailed information and of course, lots more praise. You will soon see why I am glad this book is now part of my library.

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