Monday, December 28, 2009

A few more posts before the New Year

There are some mothers and babies that I have had the pleasure of working with in the last few months that can really help to inspire a new mother who is struggling with breastfeeding issues. I will relate their story, however, their identities will remain anonymous. You should not think that this might be your story because I am changing enough information so that it will not be detectable. I will also be changing a part of the story that is not crucial to the events, but will help my clients keep their anonymity.

I thought it would be a fun learning experience for you to participate in this lactation consult. You can read and take notes, mental or written, about her situation. Follow along with me as we first learn how challenging breastfeeding has been for Leslie and how we move to a positive resolution of her challenges and create a situation for her to become a successful breastfeeding mother.

When Leslie came in for her appointment, she brought along her husband, Ritchie as well as her mother. Her mother, Angela is a long time breastfeeding advocate, having been a La Leche League Leader for 12 years during the time period she breastfed and raised her 3 daughters.

Leslie's baby Sadie was 4 weeks old and was 1 full pound under her birthweight. She had suspected her daughter was not gaining enough, but at her 2 week pediatric appointment, she was told her baby was doing fine. Her mother Angela felt the baby was underweight, but did not want to interfere.

After taking her daughter to a local mommy and me group 2 days ago and having several people comment on how "tiny" her baby was, Leslie decided to seek help. A previous client of mine who was a member of the group, referred her to me.

She reported to me that she had no pain during breastfeeding and her daughter seemed to be very relaxed and happy when at the breast. She described feedings that lasted about 1 hour, with baby drifting off to sleep shortly after the second side.

Since breastfeeding did not hurt and her baby seemed satisfied after feedings and appeared to be a good sleeper, Leslie felt her daughter was getting enough milk. As I sat with Leslie and asked her more detailed questions, I begin to make a list of all responses she gave me that were somewhat troubling.

Poor Leslie, with all the questions I was asking, I could see she was beginning to doubt herself even more. I was not worried though and took the time to explain that she was giving me good information that was helping me figure out what was going on and would help tremendously in offering a care plan to help fix her breastfeeding problems.

So, you can begin to think about Leslie's situation and be sure to check in tomorrow so you can see how this case unfolds.


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